
EPISODE 11: Million Dollar Ads through Psychology-Driven Marketing: Adam Greenfeld’s 4-Step Influencer UGC Formula

Are you looking to learn the Million Dollar Ad Formula?

Then you want to listen to this interview with Adam Greenfeld, co-Founder of Thesis, and responsible for scaling it into one of the most respected nootropics company. 

Adam, graduated from Quinnipiac University,  and for over 9 years is known as a noteworthy leader in the Ecommerce space, establishing several startups whose failures led to the success that he has now with Thesis. Also was the main contributor to the move of the NBA’s Nets to Brooklyn. 

In this episode he shares his formula on how to get Million Dollar Ads through Psycology-Driven Marketing. Also talks about the things that you need in order to scale your business, keeping the motivation through the process. 

Adam is on a mission to make people live a live with purpose, and how this is the main piece for his growing business. 

Don’t miss the opportunity how to learn to build successful ad formulas using content creators.

In this episode, you will be able to:

04:38Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Focus 08:31Scaling Thesis to Success 15:10Crafting Effective Ad Formulas 23:33The Role of AI in Ad Creatives 30:13Setting Goals and Building Culture 35:42Making an Impact and Connecting with Others

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Get access to my free course, The Bootstrapper’s Guide to Influencer Marketing, and learn how to start working with influencers and build your influencer army 

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