
EPISODE 46: Boost Influencer Lander Conversions by 300%+ Using AI with Haafiz Dossa

Spending countless hours crafting the perfect influencer campaign, only to see it fall flat can be frustrating. You know the product is great, but somehow, the message just isn’t resonating with the audience. Sounds familiar?

Most businesses struggle to optimize their influencer campaigns, leaving potential profits on the table. But what if you could skyrocket your conversion rates without breaking the bank or endlessly searching for new partners?

In this episode, Haafiz Dossa, founder of, reveals his game-changing strategies to help you maximize the impact of your existing influencer partnerships.

With his unique blend of AI-powered tools and deep marketing expertise, Haafiz shares insider secrets to create highly targeted, personalized campaigns that convert like crazy.

Discover how to:

  • Leverage AI to analyze your partners’ audiences and create laser-focused messaging
  • Dynamically insert personalized content to skyrocket engagement and conversions
  • Automate tedious campaign management tasks, saving you time and money
  • Optimize your influencer strategy based on your brand’s unique stage and needs

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting with influencer partnerships, this episode will equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to take your campaigns to the next level. 🚀

Ready to see in action? Visit and mention “Partner Up Profits” to get a special deal on this game-changing tool!

In this episode, we cover:

02:25Journey into online marketing and partnership success 05:10 Optimizing landing pages for influencer marketing 16:47How to use AI to analyze partner audiences and create targeted messaging 22:41Implementing automation and AI in marketing for efficiency 29:54Optimizing your influencer strategy based on your brand’s stage and needs 30:22The benefits of dynamically inserting personalized content on landing pages 35:26Automating campaign management tasks with 40:54Overview of the SCALE partner selection and optimization framework 47:13Rapid fire round: Getting to know Haafiz Dossa

Connect with  Haafiz!

Connect with Joey!

Get access to my free course, The Bootstrapper’s Guide to Influencer Marketing, and learn how to start working with influencers and build your influencer army 

Get access to the Partner Up Profits Toolbox, which includes an ever-growing collection of tools, cheat sheets, done-for-you templates and productivity training related to online marketing

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