
EPISODE 49: How To Get a Raise

Do you feel you’re contributing more than your current salary reflects? It’s time to take control of your career and financial future.

In this episode, I share my personal journey of learning to ask for what I deserve and provide a step-by-step guide on how you can do the same. We cover everything from building the confidence to have that conversation with your boss, to creating your own compensation plan and measuring your impact.

Don’t let fear hold you back from earning what you’re worth. Tune in now and learn how to approach this crucial conversation with professionalism and poise.

In this episode, we cover:

02:23Step 1: Believe in yourself – Deciding you are worthy of a raise 02:42Step 2: Measure your impact – Tracking your contributions to the company’s success 03:59Step 3: Take action – Implementing a plan to reach your goals 05:02Step 4: Create your own compensation plan – Designing a win-win strategy for you and your employer 08:14Step 5: Ask for the raise – Overcoming fear and having the conversation with confidence 09:49The script – Exactly what to say when asking for a raise 13:23Bonus tips – Unique strategies for the modern online workspace

Get the full Script HERE.

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