
EPISODE 7: 5 Lessons From Dropping $50K on the BIGGEST Podcasts in the World

If you’ve ever wondered what happens when you advertise on one of the biggest podcasts in the world, then this episode is for you. Does this sound familiar? You’ve tried spending money on podcast advertising, hoping to see a significant boost in your business’s ROI. But despite your efforts, the results have been lackluster, leaving you feeling frustrated. 

I’m here to share the story of advertising on one of the biggest podcasts in the world, the lessons I learned (good and bad), the key factors to consider, and what I would do differently if I did it again.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Discover significant lessons and tactics that can help you maximize your podcast advertising.
  • Grasp the importance of matching your audience’s interests with your product or service offerings in your podcast advertising.
  • Comprehend the long-term impact of persistent advertising efforts on your podcast’s success.
  • Learn how to set measurable goals for your podcast advertising campaigns to keep track of your progress.
  • Understand that focusing only on desired outcomes can cloud your judgment, realizing that managing expectations is equally important.

The key moments in this episode are:

01:17Partner Up Profits Power Move 03:08Podcast Advertising Overview 05:49Advertising on a Big Podcast 10:02Clear Goals and Value Extraction 11:53The Importance of Clear Objectives 13:21Tracking The Untrackable 15:55Making Informed Decisions 18:39Starting Small and Building Relationships Before Investing Big

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Partner Up Profits Podcast